Here is the schedule for the big-scale pre-E3 and during-E3 events.
June 6th Update - Check out the official E3 insider - live crowd activity tracker and many other things.
Live Microsoft E3 stream, about to start -
Live Gametrailers TV stream -
SpikeTV - online stream for outside USA/Canada -
Official E3 Insider Twitter -
June 6th
Microsoft 10AM-11AM PT, 1PM ET
EA 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM PT, 2:30 PM - 4:30 PM ET
Ubisoft 1:00 PM - 3:30 PM PT, 4:00 PM - 6:30PM ET
Sony 5:00 PM - 10:00 PM PT, 8:00 PM to 1:00 AM ET
June 7th
Nintendo 7:15AM PT - 10:15AM PT, 10:15AM ET - 1:15PM ET
Show floor opens @ 12:00PM PT, 3:00PM ET
Nintendo roundtable, number one @ 5:30PM PT - 7:30PM PT, 8:30PM ET - 10:30PM ET
June 8th
Nintendo roundtable, number two @ 5:30PM PT - 7:30PM PT, 8:30PM ET - 10:30PM ET
Sonic Party 6:00PM PT - 10:00PM PT, 9:00PM ET - 1:00AM ET
June 9th
Round up of the events.
Sweet, ready to adjust my sleep schedule around it then, thanks!
Wow awesome site
Keep working hard on it
Lol one of the better blogs out there I think
Is minecraft going to be in E3? haha jk. im excited about the new star wars mmo thats coming out.
Wish i was thurr :(
Can't wait to see what everyone has in store. Wish I could go.
wish i could go that looks awesome, site is sick!
One of my buddies is going. about to get some free swag ;)
can't wait for konamis e3 "one million troops"
NINTENDO! My friend is going to watch everything live, so I guess he'll keep me posted.
Awesome!i want to go to!
E3 has been sliding downhill. I remember years ago it really was an event but now we know half the stuff that's going to be there well ahead of time.
I'm going to watch every minute of it! And um go blind looking at booth babes.
I've only been watching clips that's been released. So far, only a few things have caught my interest.
I like your blogging, followed :)
machinima also has one
Just finished the Sony one, much better than the Microsoft one in my opinion.
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